There were stories that reminded me of where I was after my accident about five years ago and how far I’ve come since then. Some stories moved me to tears. Some stories moved me to action to reach out to a few ladies who were early on in their recuperative journey to reassure them that it would get better. It allowed me to give back to others, to inspire them, and, in doing so, inspire myself. I met other people who have been so important in the saving of these souls – doctors, nurses, firefighters, therapists – who said “But I have no scars.” And I said, “Oh yes you do… they may not be visible to the naked eye but they are there on the inside.”
They are survivors in their own right as well. I got to spend time with some of my own personal beloved nurses and firefighters and fellow survivors and celebrate life together which is just as important as fighting the good fight. So I guess what I want to say is THANK YOU… from the bottom of my heart for this opportunity to experience the event myself instead of hearing everyone talk about it! It will always be etched upon my heart and spirit and I will remember and cherish those memories forever.

Your Donations Will Support:
- Burn Survivor Re-entry Program
- Burn Camps for Children
- Adult Burn Survivors Support Group
- Adult Burn Survivors Retreat
- Financial Support for Burn Families
- Parents Helping Parents
- “Kids on the Block” Educational Program
We Assist By:
- Purchasing Equipment for Burn Unit
- Sponsoring National Training Programs
- Funding for Burn Treatment Research
- Burn Education for Community Schools