The impact World Burn his had on our family, has been huge. This year especially with the speakers, seemed to make an even larger impact, especially with motivation for our son as he moves through his senior year in high school. Being around the mentors has helped drive his desire to help others in that he plans on being a mental health team counselor in training next year at the camp in Livermore. In addition, just simply “hanging out“ with burn survivors of all ages and levels of injury has helped him understand diversity, acceptance, encouragement and, most importantly, resilience. He also has a deep understanding that no matter what happens in life things can always go forward and even though something may be incredibly negative, there is always a way to pull out of it and move forward with a positive attitude. For me, watching my son grow in his desire to help others and to be a part of the burn community so that he may have more opportunities to do what he can to make a positive impact on people, has helped me see my son in a different light. This has made me an extremely proud mother as I watch him grow into a wonderful young man. The impact that World Burn has had on him over the years and last week is in large part the reason why he is who he is today.
Melinda, Mother of a Burn Survivor

I just want to say thank you so much for the opportunity I was given to go to World Burn 2018 in Michigan. It was an amazing opportunity that I will forever cherish. I don’t know if you realize the work the Firefighters do really have a great impact on our lives. As you know, life isn’t always the easiest for a Burn Survivor and I’m just incredibly grateful to be given these opportunities to be among Burn Survivors.
Alma, Burn Survivor

To the Members of the San Jose Firefighters Burn Foundation: I’ve been trying to find a way to properly express my gratitude for the scholarship given to me to attend the World Burn Congress 2014 in Anaheim last month. This was the first time I attended the event and it was so many things – inspiring, thought provoking, emotional, exuberant, and a bit overwhelming at times. So many of the stories I heard were gut wrenching but also a testament to the strength of the human spirit.

There were stories that reminded me of where I was after my accident about five years ago and how far I’ve come since then. Some stories moved me to tears. Some stories moved me to action to reach out to a few ladies who were early on in their recuperative journey to reassure them that it would get better. It allowed me to give back to others, to inspire them, and, in doing so, inspire myself. I met other people who have been so important in the saving of these souls – doctors, nurses, firefighters, therapists – who said “But I have no scars.” And I said, “Oh yes you do… they may not be visible to the naked eye but they are there on the inside.”

They are survivors in their own right as well. I got to spend time with some of my own personal beloved nurses and firefighters and fellow survivors and celebrate life together which is just as important as fighting the good fight. So I guess what I want to say is THANK YOU… from the bottom of my heart for this opportunity to experience the event myself instead of hearing everyone talk about it! It will always be etched upon my heart and spirit and I will remember and cherish those memories forever.

Tyler Risk, Burn Survivor

The San Jose Firefighters Burn Foundation has been providing support to the SCVMC Regional Burn Center for 25 years. They have donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to support the Burn Program. We would not be able to provide many of our aftercare and outreach efforts without their support and vital funding. The SJFFBF also provides funding for burn survivors to attend survivor conferences such as the World Burn Congress which can be extremely beneficial in their road to recovery and fund burn camp to help our pediatric burn survivors. They also provide funding for Burn Center staff to attend Regional Burn Conferences in order to receive required burn continuing educational hours. I am very grateful to the San Jose Firefighters Burn Foundation and the firefighters for their hard work and continued dedication to our program. Thank you for all that you do!
Jill Sproul, RN, MS, Burn Center Nurse Manager, Santa Clara Valley Medical Regional Burn Center

As a member of the Burn Team at VMC, I have seen the direct impact the San Jose Firefighters Burn Foundation has had for our Burn program and in the lives of our survivors and their families. From the Outreach they provide for fire and burn prevention in our schools and community to the funding they provide for Burn Camp, treatment and education for our burn team, staff and burn survivors, their wonderful support, hard work, dedication and compassion truly makes a difference!
Lisa Andrade, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Santa Clara Valley Medical Regional Burn Center

My experience was unforgettable. The World Burn Congress was no ordinary conference. It was amazing the number of attendees and the different stories they all had, but all with one common bond. We all came together to share and heal from the unfortunate crises that brought us together in first place. World Burn was inspirational, emotional, and powerful. I sincerely thank the San Jose Firefighters Burn Foundation for their generosity and their support of myself and fellow Survivors
Burn Nurse, Santa Clara Valley Medical Regional Burn Center

The Burn Foundation’s dedication to burn survivors and support of the Santa Clara Valley Medical Center burn staff is truly appreciated. I am happy that the nurses and firefighters are working together to support the Burn Foundation in activities and look forward to future events. I am proud to represent such an awesome organization and feel backed by the firefighters
Burn Nurse, Santa Clara Valley Medical Regional Burn Center

Your Donations Will Support:

  • Burn Survivor Re-entry Program
  • Burn Camps for Children
  • Adult Burn Survivors Support Group
  • Adult Burn Survivors Retreat
  • Financial Support for Burn Families
  • Parents Helping Parents
  • “Kids on the Block” Educational Program

We Assist By:

  • Purchasing Equipment for Burn Unit
  • Sponsoring National Training Programs
  • Funding for Burn Treatment Research
  • Burn Education for Community Schools